Tuesday, June 17, 2008

the bucket list

I'm not sure why the critics gave 'The Bucket List' a C-. Maybe the acting wasn't all that great, the effects were hardly present, and the script needed a lot more work (it took the writers all but 2 weeks afterall). But I found the message it was trying to convey really heartwarming; profound even.
"It’s difficult to measure the sum of a person’s life. Some may tell you it’s measured by the ones left behind, some believe it can be measured in faith, some say by love, other folks say life has no meaning at all. Me? I believe that you measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you."

Maybe it doesn't seem all that profound prima facie. But I have a hunch we'll never be able to fully appreciate its meaning until we're at that crossroad. This much I know: no man's an island, and eulogies are important.

I'll try to remember that.