Friday, December 5, 2008
the lunch to impress
I don't like it when they try too hard to impress.
I don't like it when they laugh at a joke only because the professor initiated it.
I don't like it when they fight with me for attention.
I don't like it when they act like they have executive lunches at the Equinox all the time.
I don't like it when I bring a camera, but am afraid to use it.
I don't like it when someone makes a not-so-funny joke in a bid to seem suave.
I don't like it when silence follows that not-so-funny joke, even if that's the appropriate response.
I don't like it when I mumble because I'm uncomfortable.
I don't like it when people have extended hard-to-follow conversations.
I don't like it when all they do at the table is talk about how well they trade currency futures or discuss the extent to which deleveraging has taken place in the financial sector.
I liked the food, though.
I liked the lift that brought us up 70 floors in about 10 seconds.
And I liked it when the professor was the one to foot the $800 bill.