Friday, April 18, 2008

La perra

how do u define a bitch? i used to think a bitch had to be hot. i realise tt's not true. yes, there are some bitches who are undeniably hot. but usually, they're not. their stinking attitudes vaporise what little good they have. appropriate definitions of bitches (they aren't mine, so don't come after me if you get offended):

1. A person who cares nothing for anyone else
2. An annoying and whiney person
3. A person who uses you for your money
4. A person with a bad attitude
5. A person who for one reason or another deserves a good bitch-slap
6. A person who sleeps around
7. A feminist
8. A domineering, spiteful person
9. A miserable person who sucks all joy and happiness out of life, and makes life a little less worth living by his/her consistently shitty attitude.
10. A person who is either narcissistic or borderline narcisisstic
11. A person who is incapable of a long term relationship due to selfishness
12. A very manipulative person who will try to do anything in his/her power to bring down your self esteem and make your life miserable.

Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.