Thursday, April 17, 2008

the spam email and buglary

i received this email yesterday:

"Hello! I am bored this afternoon. I am nice girl that would like to chat with you. Email me at only, because I am using my friend's email to write this. I want to show you some pictures."

I receive shit like this all the time. but this time, I decided to read it. And I conclude that anyone who actually believes and responds to the email deserves to get his account hacked into for being so dumb.

I hate burglars. First, they burgle your house. Then, they leave a mess. Then, they display their voyeuristic tendencies and watch you sleep. how freaky is that. wth. we get so pissed off when someone doesn't move fast enough on the train, or tailgates you when you're driving. Imagine what hatred one would have for a burglar. he intrudes into your privacy, absconds with what is yours, messes up your space. and doesn't apologise for the inconvenience.

burglars deserve the noose, or the chair, or poison. or.. CASTRATION. seriously. nothing less.