The group tt accompanied me on the grange road haunted house escapade expanded to include 5 others and we headed down to 2 other scary looking colonial buildings near the botanical gardens. I was being an idiot and trying to scare some already-shit-scared people. I don't think it worked, though. The second house was REALLLY smelly. Had bat droppings all over. The group hesitated to go up the flight of stairs to the second floor cos the smell seemed to be emanating from there. We didn't exactly want to discover a rotting corpse, you see. After some deliberation, we finally went up and discovered the gruesome source of the smell....
- these are bats. dead, rotting, stinking bats. a whole room -
Had a surprise 21st birthday for a friend. I'm not sure if he was entirely surprised. But I skipped class just to help out so I'd like to think that he was. The cake was AWESOME. I have a baker friend. Thank you, baker-friend. :)
- awesome cake. seriously awesome -
I attended a baby shower and saw Barney. He sang the "I love you, you love me" song. I wanted to whack his head. Oh, then there was the dance floor. I'm getting old. i must have danced to 4 songs at most. But my body ached all night.
The church wall scratched my car on Sunday :( I just might sue. :(:(:(