Friday, July 4, 2008

the shit-scary day

So we decided to head back to the haunted house. This time with a different group. And we were armed with a trusty torchlight and two umbrellas. Drove down to town at 2am, got lost for a bit (typical me). As ominous as it sounds, it began pouring just as we entered town. As though someone was trying to tell us something. We finally found the place and parked at the 'NO ENTRY OR BE PROSECUTED' sign and waited. And waited. And I was thinking aloud about how awesome it would be if it were only me and a girl in the car, much to the disgust of the others.

Rain finally slowed to a drizzle and we headed up the long windy road to the house. Eerie tapping sounds greeted us at the entrance. Still we persisted (after almost running away). The sounds turned out to be rain droplets on an empty beer can. I found it really cool that the staircase in that old, dilapidated house was carpeted. Either that, or it was mould. But it looked nice. We were doing alright until one of us decided to open the umbrella and stand under it while still inside the house. That was enough to freak me out, and freak the rest out in the process. So we scooted, shit-scared.

We sort of covered the whole first floor. So that's some progress. 2 more floors to go. See pics below. (Since i'm receiving complaints that my blog is too wordy. hmph.)

- Check out the eerie blue glow -

- i see a head. can you? spooky -
Finally collected my bottle of Absolut Mango today. :) Thanks, buddy!

Oh. I saw three days' worth of human feces at the lift landing of my friend's place. Seriously, the culprit has some serious issues, other than constipation and involuntary bowel movements.

Today left us shit-scared, indeed.